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Y Combinator

Launch your app
to AWS or GCP
in minutes

An open source command line tool
for deploying apps, secrets, and infrastructure to the cloud


checkmarkWorker VMs

checkmarkStatic Sites


Deploy with a Single Command

LaunchFlow creates your cloud infrastructure and deploys your application

$ lf deploy dev --auto-approve

Launch Any Framework

Ready-to-use deployment pipelines that work with any application

Customize Your Cloud with a High-Level SDK

Networking, permissions, and other low-level configuration is handled for you

1 import launchflow as lf
3 # Build & Deploy a serverless API on AWS Lambda
4 api =
5 name="my-api",
6 handler="app.handler", # Automatic build pipelines
7 domain="", # Automatic SSL and DNS
8 memory="10GB", # And everything else you need
9 ...
10 )

Deploy serverless apps on Lambda

Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform

arrowClick to run the command

$ lf deploy dev --auto-approve
GoldenBasis Logo

Launchflow set up our GCP infrastructure for FastAPI in minutes with just a few lines of Python. Its intuitive command line and web interfaces make it easy for anyone on the team to manage resources, saving me countless DevOps hours and letting me focus on my core business.

Andrew Wang

Andrew Wang

CTO at GoldenBasis

Visualize and Share
Your Deployments

LaunchFlow Cloud turns your
AWS / GCP environments into a collaborative workspace

API Icon

Deploy from GitHub

Automatically deploy when you push to GitHub

API Icon

Web Console UI

View infrastructure and logs across environments

API Icon

Audit Logs

See the "who" and "how" for every update

API Icon

RBAC Security

Role-based access control for every environment

Expert Support for AWS and GCP

Get access to engineers who actually build on AWS and GCP, not just a support "specialist". On-call support and guaranteed response times available for paid plans.

Talk to an Engineer

Ready to get started?

Launch your app to AWS / GCP in minutes. No account required.


Simple pricing

Get started for free.
No credit card required.

Pricing details

Launch faster

Start with examples that match your use case.

View code examples